How to verify Creem signature?

Creem signature is sent in the creem-signature header of the webhook request. The signature is generated using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm with the webhook secret as the key, and the request payload as the message.

To verify the signature, you need to generate the signature using the same algorithm and compare it with the signature sent in the header. If the two signatures match, the request is authentic.

You can find your webhook secret on the Developers>Webhook page.

To generate the signature, you can use the following code snippet:

import * as crypto from 'crypto';

  generateSignature(payload: string, secret: string): string {
    const computedSignature = crypto
      .createHmac('sha256', secret)
    return computedSignature;

In the code snippet above, the payload is the request body, and the secret is the webhook secret. Simply compare the generated Signature with the one received on the header to complete the verification process.