What is a webhook?

Creem uses webhooks to push real-time notifications to you about your payments and subscriptions. All webhooks use HTTPS and deliver a JSON payload that can be used by your application. You can use webhook feeds to do things like:

  • Automatically enable access to a user after a successful payment
  • Automatically remove access to a user after a canceled subscription
  • Confirm that a payment has been received by the same customer that initiated it.

In case webhooks are not successfully received by your endpoint, creem automatically retries to send the request with a progressive backoff period of 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes and 1 hour.

Steps to receive a webhook

You can start receiving real-time events in your app using the steps:

  • Create a local endpoint to receive requests
  • Register your development webhook endpoint on the Developers tab of the Creem dashboard
  • Test that your webhook endpoint is working properly using the test environment
  • Deploy your webhook endpoint to production
  • Register your production webhook endpoint on Creem live dashboard

1. Create a local endpoint to receive requests

In your local application, create a new route that can accept POST requests.

For example, you can add an API route on Next.js:

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';

export default (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
  if (req.method === 'POST') {
    const payload = req.body;

On receiving an event, you should respond with an HTTP 200 OK to signal to Creem that the event was successfully delivered.

2. Register your development webhook endpoint

Register your publicly accessible HTTPS URL in the Creem dashboard.

You can create a tunnel to your localhost server using a tool like ngrok. For example: https://8733-191-204-177-89.sa.ngrok.io/api/webhooks

3. Test that your webhook endpoint is working properly

Create a few test payments to check that your webhook endpoint is receiving the events.

4. Deploy your webhook endpoint

After you’re done testing, deploy your webhook endpoint to production.

5. Register your production webhook endpoint

Once your webhook endpoint is deployed to production, you can register it in the Creem dashboard.