If you violate our terms of service or attempt to sell prohibited products, you risk getting your store placed in review or suspended.

As a general rule, we allow selling of digital goods that can be fulfilled through Creem’s website.

Examples of acceptable products

Some examples of acceptable goods include:

Software & SaaS eBooks PDFs Design assets Photos Audio Video

List of prohibited products

The following products and services are prohibited on Creem:

  • Sexually-oriented or pornographic content of any kind, including NSFW chatbots
  • IPTV services
  • Physical goods of any kind
  • Spyware or parental control apps
  • Donations or charity giving where no product exists or where the price is greater than the product value
  • Products or content for which you do not hold a proper license or intellectual property rights
  • Marketplaces - where you use your Creem store to “partner” to sell others’ products
  • Dating sites
  • Private Label Rights (PLR) products or Master Resell Products (MRR) products - this includes any product which you’ve obtained a license to sell but do not hold the original IP rights
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Any products restricted by our payment processing partners
  • Illegal or age restricted products such as: drugs and paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco, vaping products
  • Regulated products such as: CBD, gambling, weapons, ammunition, pay to play auctions, sweepstakes, lotteries, business-in-a-box, work-from-home, get-rich-quick schemes, etc.
  • Regulated services such as: real estate, mortgage, lending, telemarketing, cellular/communication, door-to-door sales, bankruptcy, legal, merchant, debt-relief, collections, banking/financing, currency exchange, warranties, etc.
  • Timeshares
  • Pharmacies, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals
  • Homework/Essay mills
  • Multi-level marketing, pyramid, or IBO schemes
  • NFT & Crypto assets products.

List of restricted products

These services will be subject to strict due diligence and are not guaranteed to be accepted.

  • Services of any kind (including marketing, design, web development, consulting or other related services)
  • Job boards
  • Advertising in newsletters, on websites, or in social media posts

If you are unsure whether your content is prohibited, please contact Creem support with a description or example of the content before you start selling.