Deactivate License
Deactivate a license key instance from your customer.”
License Key Deactivation with Creem
The deactivation endpoint allows you to remove a device’s access to a license key. This documentation will guide you through implementing license deactivation in your application.
License deactivation is essential for managing device transfers, subscription cancellations, and maintaining security of your software.
- Key Deactivation Features
- Instance Management: Remove specific device instances from active licenses
- Activation Slot Recovery: Free up slots for new device activations
- Usage Tracking: Monitor deactivation history and remaining slots
- Automatic Cleanup: Clear associated device data upon deactivation
Deactivation Flow Example
Here’s how the deactivation process typically works:
- User initiates deactivation (e.g., switching devices)
- Application retrieves stored license key and instance ID
- Sends deactivation request to Creem API
- Cleans up local license data
- Provides feedback to user about deactivation status
Endpoint Details
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Authentication: Requires API key in headers
Request Parameters
The request body should include:
- key (required): The license key to deactivate
- instance_id (required): The instance ID to deactivate
Response Format
Implementation Examples
JavaScript Example:
cURL Example:
Python Example:
Error Handling
Common error responses include:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid or missing parameters
- 401 Unauthorized: Invalid API key
- 404 Not Found: Invalid license key or instance ID
- 409 Conflict: Instance already deactivated